Dependent Visa Services -

Dependent Visa Service

Pathway to Success with UAE Dependent Visa Services

The dependent visa services provided by the government of the UAE are a phenomenal platform to reunite with family. If you are residing in Dubai or Abu Dhabi and longing to be close to your relatives, there is positive news for you. The proper support makes the process of receiving an applicable visa in the Emirates a formality. From the very beginning, your dreams will come true at Company Formation Corporate Services Providers (COFOCSP) in Dubai. We aim to be unique by offering the most suitable solutions in a short period of time. We wish to bring whatever loved one is close to your heart, whether it is your spouse, children, or relatives, and you have our back. Understanding the dependent visa Services and renewal process, coupled with the need to have the necessary documentation, might look clear, but we’re here to walk with you throughout the whole journey.

 Besides, the intangible attribute of the UAE family dependent visa Services is that it is a family re-uniting visa system. It is very important to know what a dependent visa into the UAE needs, and now is the right time to make use of our expertise. From documenting and fulfilling the procedures for obtaining a dependent visa in the UAE to efficiently handling the paperwork for dependent visa renewals in Dubai, our team is knowledgeable and skilled and possesses the expertise to facilitate you. Being aware of the fact that most individuals value their family, we endeavor to ease the process of connecting you with your loved ones in the UAE. Let Company Formation CSP in Dubai be your companion in this journey, and you can rest assured that all the steps you will need to take to bring your family to Dubai will be as smooth and friendly as possible.

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  • It is mandatory for the sponsor to have a residency visa in Dubai, UAE. They have to be paid at least the minimum salary set by the Dubai government. Proof of relationship—evidence in the form of marriage certificates for spouses and birth certificates for children—shall be submitted. To maintain adequate shelter and the required funds to take care of the dependents in the UAE, there is a need for a stable job.
  • They have to be paid at least the minimum salary set by the Dubai government.
  • Proof of relationship—evidence in the form of marriage certificates for spouses and birth certificates for children—shall be submitted.
  • To maintain adequate shelter and the required funds to take care of the dependents in the UAE, there is a need for a stable job.

Yes, if you are a family member of a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident who may be your unmarried parent or spouse, you may sponsor them as dependents, provided you meet the specific requirements, such as the higher minimum salary threshold, and provide proof of sole provider status. Moreover, you should drop a refundable guarantee for each parent at the cash desk for security reasons.

  • The contract of the existing sponsor and the salary certificate.
  • Rent contract that clearly outlines the housing frame.
  • The visa reissue can be made only at the expense of the dependent passport and the current visa.
  • Age: 35; nationality: American; height: 5'11"; weight: 170 lbs; recent passport-sized photographs of the dependent.
  • Need proof of relationship to the sponsor (wife/birth certificate).

Processing time may differ from 2 to 4 weeks, contingent on some more factors such as the emirate, document completeness, and acting workload.

Sons can be supported up to the age of 18. Meanwhile, such imponderable factors as full-time education are taken into account, and the students are sponsored up to the age of 21. The parents of the girl can subject her to restrictions as much as possible until she gets married. Proof of education or unmarried status will be needed if dependent family members, including those who are at least 18 years old, are eligible for sponsorship.

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